Why I DO NOT recommend Golden Farm (golden-farm.biz)

Short version: It's basically a ponzi scheme. The following appears in the website's rules:

"Getting payoffs by the user is restricted by availability of gold on the account. 1 gold gives the right to withdraw 1 USD. Gold is credited for: your replenishments of the account (40% of the sum); replenishment of the account by a referral of the 1st level, 20% go to the gold; replenishment of the account by a referral of the 2nd level, 5% go to the gold;"

Thanks to pjcnet for pointing this out to me on my "My favorite faucets and websites for earning crypto, some I am still testing, etc" blog post, where I previously had Golden Farm listed under "Still testing but leaning towards not recommending."

Longer explanation

Alright, so, I actually did test this site out for awhile. The lack of ads on the website made it feel kind of fishy, but people had posted payment proofs, so I decided to test it with just what the website offers you for free. I think you get a green bird and 300 silver coins when you sign up, and the 300 silver coins should be enough to buy two more green birds, so, basically, I must have started with three green birds. The birds lay eggs which you can collect and then sell for more silver. Some of the silver goes into funds set aside for withdrawal, and some of the silver goes into funds set aside for purchases (buying more birds). You can also get a "daily bonus" of some more silver (to the funds for purchasing birds) once every 12 hours. (I think it was once every 24 hours when I started, but it's once every 12 hours now.)

So, using the silver just from collecting and selling the eggs, and the daily bonuses, I eventually farmed my way up to one brown bird and 76 green birds, as you can see below. This took months, but to be fair, I did take a break for awhile, which is why I got the brown bird rather than more green birds. (The birds just keep laying eggs even if you don't log in for months.)

The whole time while you are focusing on birds, the website keeps making you think you need to farm silver to withdraw and get a payout. In fact you need both silver and gold, but you will only see that if you go and read the site rules.

Anyway, this whole time, I've only farmed 5055.27 silver to the funds for withdrawal:

This isn't enough to withdraw to either Bitcoin or Paypal (even if I had gold in addition to silver). There are other withdrawal options, but these were the two I was most interested in.

Note that they only talk about the minimum silver needed for withdrawal. They don't mention the gold needed - the gold you can only get by depositing real money or having a referral do so. I presume if I had ever reached the required amount of silver to withdraw to Paypal or Bitcoin, and tried to do so, only then would I have gotten an error telling me I couldn't.

Anyway, let's look at those rules again.

So you have to have both gold and silver to withdraw, not just silver, even though up until you read the rules, the whole site seems to be about farming eggs and birds and silver, not gold. Also, note that even if you referred yourself, and then referred yourself again (and didn't get banned for it), 40%+20%+5% = 65%, so you'd still get less out of Golden Farm than you put in (unless you referred other people, but then, someone at the bottom of the pyramid wouldn't be getting anywhere near as much as they put in).

The word "gold" there is hyperlinked.

Clicking on that, I see this:

Months of farming, and no gold, which is apparently required for withdrawal.

Inviting referrals would only put them in the same position. So, unless you just enjoy farming birds in an online game for the sake of farming online birds in an online game, you probably want to skip this site. Definitely don't give them your money.

See also

If you want to find a site that's actually good for earning cryptocurrency, please see one of my reviews and guides:

For a way to spend a little of your cryptocurrency (or not, if you choose to use the free version) while doing activities other than using crypto-earning sites, see my Windscribe review. Please remember not to use Windscribe while using crypto-earning sites. Windscribe is a VPN. However, it is useful for other purposes, like keeping your politics private from your ISP.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please feel free to email gemtrekcoin [at] gmail [dot] com


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