Horizen Community Hub review and guide

Horizen Community Hub has a Horizen faucet you can claim from once per day. Affiliate Disclosure: I receive referral commissions if you use my referral link, which appears multiple times on this page.

Getting started

You'll need to get a Horizen wallet, ideally one of their official ones. You can start claiming from Horizen Community Hub without a Horizen wallet, but your claims will be substantially reduced (about a third of what they are once you confirm your Horizen wallet address) and you won't actually get your payment until you get the Horizen wallet. I got the Sphere by Horizen wallet. If you use a non-official wallet, you probably won't be able to confirm your address, but you'll still be able to claim the lower amount.

The process of address confirmation involves cryptographically signing a message they give you, and then giving them back the signed version of a message. In public-private key cryptography (also known as asymmetric encryption), a cryptographically signed message is where you take a plain text message, do a bunch of math with a "private key" in order to encrypt it, except then it can be decrypted with a "public key", which is not the same as the private key. Messages encrypted with the private key can only be decrypted with the public key, and messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key. Encrypting something with your private key thus serves as a form of identity verification, while if other people encrypt things with your public key, it's a way of sending a private message only you can decrypt. (This differs from symmetric encryption, where the same key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the message.)

If you use the Sphere by Horizen wallet, like I did, it requires you to create a local account, i.e. on your computer only. You local account password must contain all four character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. And it can't be too short either. (I think the minimum is 6 characters long.) The following shows the error I got before I realized I needed to use all four character types.

Horizen // Unbounded by design TM // Account name: [blacked out] // Password: [starred out] // Confirm password: [starred out] // Password needs to be at least six characters long. // Incorrect Password Format // Already have an account? Login // Account data is only stored locally.

I might remember wrong, but I believe a Gmail account was required for registration.


You can claim from the Horizen Community Hub once every 20 hours. Daily, basically, with 4 hours of flexibility in case you don't claim at the exact same time of day every time.

You can claim higher amounts if you claim with Brave browser and link some social media accounts. The Brave browser gives you a 1.2X multiplier, as compared to a 1X multiplier claiming without Brave. If you've never used Brave before, you might want to go use GraB.TC's referral link to Brave (see my preliminary thoughts of GraB.TC and consider using my GraB.TC referral link) to sign up for Brave, so you can claim their 2000 satoshi reward after 30 days. 

The types of social media accounts you can link to the Horizen Community Hub are: your Google account, your Twitter account, your Facebook account, and your linked in account. If I recall correctly, a Gmail address was required for registration, so everyone should start out with at least one social media account linked. If you link a second account, then you go from a 0.2X social media bonus to a 1x social media bonus, or in other words, a 5 times higher social media bonus. If you link all four social media accounts, your social media bonus goes all the way to 1.9X.

Also, there are bonuses for successfully claiming multiple days in a row. If you claim for about 5 days in a row, you should get an extra faucet claim (bonus round). After the 6th day of claiming in a row, which gives you a 2x multiplier for that day, the daily bonus resets and you start again.


For those who are good at promoting Horizen Community Hub to friends and other people, there's a 20% referral commission, plus smaller amounts for referrals of referrals and so on. However, apparently you have to reach a minimum amount of referral commission before you can actually receive it, and then referral commission payouts only happen twice per month, assuming you've reached that minimum.


See also

For more ways to earn cryptocurrency online, see these other reviews and guides by me:

Also see my list of my favorite faucets and cryptocurrency websites, some I am still testing, and other things I recommend.

For a VPN with a browser-only option, meaning you can use it for your non-crypto-earning browser or browsers but not for the browser or browsers you use for claiming from faucets and earning cryptocurrency in other ways, see my Windscribe review. Please remember not to use Windscribe in the browser or browsers you use for earning on Horizen Community Hub or other faucets or crypto-earning websites. Windscribe is a VPN. However, it is useful for other purposes, like keeping your politics private from your ISP.

Affiliate Disclosure: I receive referral commissions if you use my referral link, which appears multiple times on this page.


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